Category: Discoveries & Research

The Emirates plan to live on Mars

In 2017, the Emirates revealed plans to build cities on Mars. It may take four or five generations of scientists to achieve it, each one improving the previous generation’s blueprints as research continues and plans evolve. And I guess Emiratis will be giving the world’s richest man Elon Musk a run for his money as ...

New study hopes to explain the effects of space traveling in humans

A group of researchers has studied the effects of space traveling in humans, with the use of an unconventional method called the Twins Study. It consists of analyzing two identical twins data during a whole year, with one brother in space and the other one on Earth. Scott Kelly spent 340 days in the International Space ...

Cannabis going to the International Space Station – SpaceX

Boldly going where no cannabis has gone before, Front Range Biosciences and SpaceCells USA Inc. announced plans to send cannabis to the International Space Station, aboard the SpaceX CRS-20 cargo flight scheduled for March 2020. No no, we’re not about to recreate the Pink Floyd laser light show, in zero gravity, 350 km about the ...

Earth’s Magnetic Field Mysteriously Weakening In Specific Locations, Throwing Off Satellites And Spacecraft

The Earth’s magnetic field, which protects life on our planet by blocking the majority of harmful solar radiation, is mysteriously weakening in specific locations. Over the last two centuries, it has lost nearly 10% of its strength, leading some to speculate that a multi-century pole reversal has begun. What’s more, scientists have identified a large, ...

NASA scientists compare twins’ DNA after one of them went to space

Two years ago, NASA sent one of two identical twins to space. Yesterday, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration informed the results of an experiment never performed before. Scott and Mark Kelly were gathered and recruited by NASA to see what differences they would have if one of them spent a long time in space. ...

The Search for Life on Venus and Other Places in Our Solar System

In the continued search for life on Venus and other places in the solar system, a British research team discovered that the rancid and toxic phosphine gas that comes from microbes might exist in Venus’s acidic and burning atmosphere. Jane Greaves, an astronomer from Cardiff University and research team leader, said it should not be present on Venus due to the photochemical ...

NASA: Could the Subsurface Ocean in Pluto’s Icy Heart Have Alien Life?

Is there life on Pluto? A new study says that Pluto’s icy heart, Sputnik Planitia, could have a subsurface ocean beneath it that may be hiding alien life forms. The study, published in the journal Nature, says that the subsurface ocean under Sputnik Planitia region could be filled with ammonia, similar to what scientists have ...

Unveiling Rogue Planets With NASA’s Roman Space Telescope

New simulations show that NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will be able to reveal myriad rogue planets – freely floating bodies that drift through our galaxy untethered to a star. Studying these island worlds will help us understand more about how planetary systems form, evolve, and break apart. Astronomers discovered planets beyond our solar ...

Hubble Finds That Betelgeuse’s Mysterious Dimming Is Due to a Traumatic Outburst

Observations by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope are showing that the unexpected dimming of the supergiant star Betelgeuse was most likely caused by an immense amount of hot material ejected into space, forming a dust cloud that blocked starlight coming from Betelgeuse’s surface. Hubble researchers suggest that the dust cloud formed when superhot plasma unleashed from ...